Oyster Shell Habitat Enhancement for Breeding Snowy Plovers in Pond E14, Eden Landing Ecological Reserve, 2015

From 2008 to 2014, SFBBO conducted a pilot study investigating the effects of oyster shell habitat enhancement on Snowy Plover nesting success. One hectare test plots were distributed on salt pond bottoms in Eden Landing Ecological Reserve (Eden Landing), Hayward, California.

Establishing baseline conditions to inform adaptive management of South San Francisco Bay salt ponds: A comparison of waterbird abundance from the 1980s to the 2000s

The 30,000 acres of wetlands within the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) provide critical habitat for over one million waterbirds annually (Page et al. 1999, Warnock et al. 2002). These wetlands consist largely of tidal marshes and open water ponds.