John Y. Takekawa
Trends and habitat associations of waterbirds using the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, San Francisco Bay, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2018–1040
The aim of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project is to restore 50–90 percent of former salt evaporation ponds to tidal marsh in San Francisco Bay. However, hundreds of thousands of waterbirds use these ponds over winter and during fall and spring migration.
The Critical Role of Islands for Waterbird Breeding and Foraging Habitat in Managed Ponds of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, South San Francisco Bay, California
The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project aims to restore 50–90 percent of former salt evaporation ponds into tidal marsh in South San Francisco Bay, California. However, large numbers of waterbirds use these ponds annually as nesting and foraging habitat.
Effects of Wetland Management on Carrying Capacity of Diving Ducks and Shorebirds in a Coastal Estuary
With global loss of natural wetlands, managed wetlands increasingly support energy requirements for wintering shorebirds and waterfowl. Despite numerous studies of avian bioenergetics in freshwater systems, less is known of the energetic capacity of estuarine systems.
Internal Nutrient Sources and Dissolved Nutrient Distributions in Alviso Pond A3W, California
There are engineering steps that could be taken to help mitigate the dissolved-oxygen (DO) depletion.
Annual Report: The Critical Role of Islands for Waterbird Breeding and Foraging Habitat in Managed Ponds of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project and Impacts of Disturbance on Breeding Waterbirds in Pond SF2
In this report we document activities from March 31, 2012 to June 30, 2012, by task, and summarize the project’s current results. This is the sixth quarterly report and the first annual report for the project.
Benthic Oxygen Demand in Three Former Salt Ponds Adjacent to South San Francisco Bay, California
Open-File Report 2009-1180. Sampling trips were coordinated in the second half of 2008 to examine the interstitial water in the sediment and the overlying bottom waters of three shallow (average depth <1 meter) ponds adjacent to the southern reach of San Francisco Bay.
Variability in habitat value of commercial salt production ponds: implications for waterbird management and tidal marsh restoration planning
In San Francisco Bay, three former salt pond complexes (Alviso, Eden Landing, and Ravenswood) have been decommissioned, i.e., taken out of commission, and are planned for marsh restoration.
Trajectory of early tidal marsh restoration: Elevation, sedimentation and colonization of breached salt ponds in the northern San Francisco Bay
We conducted bathymetric surveys to map substrate elevations using digital elevation models and surveyed colonizing Pacific cordgrass (Spartina foliosa).
2011 Annual Self-Monitoring Report
This report provides: 1) an update of Project Phase I activities that were completed or began implementation in 2011; 2) information on on-going operations of the Alviso and Ravenswood Ponds; 3) results of the 2011 water quality monitoring conducted at the Alviso Ponds; 4) results of fisheries mo
Effects of regional wetland restoration on the Alviso Shoals of South San Francisco Bay: pre-restoration assessment of shorebird and invertebrate populations
Our goal was to evaluate communities of benthic invertebrates and shorebirds on the Alviso mudflat prior to breaching Pond A6 to serve as the baseline for future assessments of potential impacts.
Effects of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project (San Francisco Bay, California) on Mud Flats and their Carrying Capacity for Small Shorebirds
We determined that the intertidal mud flat study site adjacent to Ravenswood Pond SF2 was already at carrying capacity for small shorebirds during spring migration.
Effects of regional wetland restoration on the Alviso Shoals of the South San Francisco Bay: migratory bird ecology, food webs, and sediment supply - Phase I Data Summary Update
This project will examine the bird population and benthic invertebrate densities on the Alviso Shoals immediately adjacent to A6 which separates Alviso and Guadalupe Sloughs.
South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project, Short-term Data Needs, 2003-2005 Final Report
The primary goals for the short-term data needs studies were to provide baseline data for the SBSP Restoration Project and to provide a scientific basis for adaptive management decisions.
Bird Monitoring for the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project
This report summarizes bird monitoring results at the Alviso, Eden Landing, and Ravenswood complexes.