Testing for mercury in birds
Testing for mercury in birds

The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project's work has benefited from the many government agencies, foundations and private organizations that have supported our first decade of restoring salt marsh and habitats for shorebirds, fish and other wildlife.

Your financial contributions can help to ensure that the work of restoring wetlands for wildlife and building trails for the public continues during tough fiscal times. And it will help us pay for science and monitoring, to ensure we are making sound and effective decisions.

To donate, click here

The Project has teamed with the California Wildlife Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, to accept donations from those interested in helping out. Donations will be placed in a designated fund to support projects that advance wetlands restoration and improve public access.

The fund will have the flexibility to respond to urgent needs as they arise. All money will be dedicated specifically to support our core activities.

Clapper Rail
Clapper Rail

Your tax-deductible* gift will help:

  • Establish and maintain wetland habitat
  • Fund scientific research and long-term monitoring to ensure the Project achieves habitat and environmental goals
  • Enhance flood protection and water quality
  • Provide habitat for critically endangered or threatened species
  • Provide resting and nesting spots for migrating shorebirds and waterbirds
  • Support construction of public trails, interpretive sites, viewing platforms and other public access along the South Bay wetlands and the Bay shore.
  • Support our continued public outreach, informing residents and visitors of new recreational opportunities and describing restoration progress.

All donations will be tax deductible under the law.

For further information about the donation process, please contact: California Wildlife Foundation 
at [email protected]

*As allowed by law; please consult your tax professional.