Wetland Resources
This page includes fact sheets and presentations with information about wetlands and related topics. These materials provide answers to commonly asked questions related to the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
See Documents, Science, Project Management, and Project Description for more information about the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
Common terms are defined in the glossary.
Fact Sheets
- What Are Wetlands?
- Why Do We Need Wetlands?
- What Kinds Of Wetlands Are Included In The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project?
- Habitat Benefits Of Wetlands
- Threatened and Endangered Species
- Flood Control Benefits Of Wetlands
- Wetland Restoration
- “South Bay Restoration: What We Can Learn From History” by Robin Grossinger, San Francisco Estuary Institute (PDF)
- “Conceptual Models and Science Strategy” by Lynne Trulio, San Jose State University (PDF)
- “Alternatives Formulation and Evaluation Methodology” by Michelle Orr and David Blau, Phillip Williams and Associates (PDF)
General Wetlands Information
- Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Project, 2015 Science Update
- California EcoAtlas wetlands information
- NOAA Fisheries
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—Wetlands Protection and Restoration
- California Wetlands Information System
- USGS Overview of Wetlands Resources
- San Francisco Bay Shoreline Adaptation Atlas
- E-book: Salt Marsh Secrets: Who uncovered them and how?
Wildlife in Wetlands
- Guide to the Exotic Species of San Francisco Bay
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Endangered Species search
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Wetlands of the United States: Their Extent and Their Value To Waterfowl and Other Wildlife
- Endangered California Ridgway's Rail (formerly called the clapper rail):
- California Ridgway's Rail - The Cornell Lab All About Birds
- Handout (dated - uses former species name, courtesy SF Estuary Invasive Spartina Project)
- Endangered salt marsh harvest mouse (courtesy SF Estuary Invasive Spartina Project)
- Endangered longfin smelt
- Threatened western snowy plover
Wetlands Resources for Teachers and Kids
- Wetlands education activities, teaching guides, resources - US EPA
- Wetlands publications for educators – Environmental Concern
- Bird Migration Curriculum for high school teachers - SFBBO and Environmental Volunteers
- Video: Introduction to Tracking Birds and the Motus Wildlife Tracking System for high school students – SFBBO and Environmental Volunteers
Avocets forage at the Alviso mudflats. Credit: Julie Kitzenberger