The proposals below were accepted by the SBSP project following a peer review selection process. Project start dates vary depending on the availability of funding and the Phase I restoration schedule.
Topic 1: Measuring Habitat Evolution Utilizing Satellite Imagery
Successful proposal by B. Fulfrost, Design, Community & Environment
Topic 2: Assessment of Mercury Bioavailability Utilizing Sentinel Species
Successful proposal by C. Eagles-Smith, USGS
Topic 3: Waterbird Nesting and Foraging in Managed Ponds
Successful proposal by J. Ackerman, USGS
Topic 4: Waterbird Response to Trail Use
Successful proposal by L. Trulio, SJSU
Topic 5: Pond, Slough, and Bay Water Quality Interactions
Successful proposal by J. Thompson, USGS
Topic 6: Baseline Bird Data and Data Needs Assessment
Successful proposal by M. Herzog, PRBO
Topic 7: Effects of Restoration on Fish Assemblages
Successful proposal by J. Hobbs, UC Davis
Topic 8: California Gull Displacement Study
Successful proposal by J. Ackerman, USGS
Topic 9: Open Call for Graduate Fellows
Successful proposals by N. Athearn, UCD/USGS; C. Overton, UCD/USGS; and A. Rowan, SFSU
Directed Study
Successful proposal by J. Callaway, USF
Download the 2008 RFP
- Main RFP document (PDF, 480K)
- Coversheet (DOC, 150K)
- Budget worksheet (XLS, 160K)
References for the 2008 RFP
Ackerman, J. T., C.A. Eagles-Smith, G.H. Heinz, S.E. Wainwright-De La Cruz, J.Y. Takekawa, T.L. Adelsbach, A.K. Miles, D.J. Hoffman, S.E. Schwarzbach, T.H. Suchanek, and T.C. Maurer. 2007. Mercury in birds of the San Francisco Bay-Delta: trophic pathways, bioaccumulation, and ecotoxicological risk to avian reproduction. 2006 Annual Administrative Report, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center, Davis, CA, and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental Contaminants Division, Sacramento, CA.
Ackerman, J.T., J.Y. Takekawa, C. Strong, N. Athearn, and A. Rex. 2006. California gull distribution, abundance, and predation on waterbird eggs and chicks in the South San Francisco Bay. Final Report, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center, Davis and Vallejo, CA.
Beutel, M., and K. Abu-Saba. 2004. South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project: Mercury Technical Memorandum. Brown and Caldwell, Larry Walker and Associates. Report prepared for the South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project Management Team.
Burger, J., and M. Gochfeld. 1991. Human activity influence and diurnal and nocturnal foraging of sanderlings(Calidris alba). Condor 93:259-265
Carney, K.M., and W.J. Sydeman. 1999. A review of human disturbance effects on nesting colonial waterbirds.Waterbirds 22:68-79.
Collins, J.N., and R. Grossinger. 2005. Syntheses of scientific knowledge for maintaining and improving functioning of the South Bay ecosystem and restoring tidal salt marsh and associated habitats over the next 50 years at pond and pond-complex scales. Report to the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
Conaway, C.H., E.B. Watson, J.R. Flanders, and A.R. Flegal. 2004. Mercury deposition in a tidal marsh of south San Francisco Bay downstream of the historic New Almaden mining district, California. Marine Chemistry 90:175–184.
DeLong, A.K. 2002. Managing visitor use and disturbance in waterbirds—a literature review of impacts and mitigation measures. Prepared for Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge. Appendix L in Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge Complex Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Boundary Revision(Vol. II). U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1, Portland, OR.
Grenier, L., J. Collins, J. Hunt, D. Yocum, A. Bezalel, Robinson, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, and D. Drury. 2006. South Baylands Mercury Project 2006 Year-End Progress Report.
Grenier, L., J. Collins, J. Hunt, D. Yocum, A. Bezalel, Robinson, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, and D. Drury. 2007. South Baylands Mercury Project 2007 Year-End Progress Report.
Josselyn, M., M. Martindale, and J. Duffield. 1989. Public access and wetlands; impacts of recreational use. Technical Report #9. Romberg Tiburon Center, Tiburon, CA
Marvin-DiPasquale, M., and M.H. Cox. 2007. Legacy Mercury in Alviso Slough, South San Francisco Bay, California: Concentration, Speciation and Mobility. Menlo Park, CA. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1240.
Mejia, F.H., M.K. Saiki, and J.Y. Takekawa. 2008. Relation between fish species assemblages and water quality characteristics in South San Francisco Bay salt ponds and sloughs. Southwestern Naturalist. In press.
National Research Council. 2000. Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury. National Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Rodgers, J.A., Jr., and S.T. Schwikert. 2003. Buffer zone distances to protect foraging and loafing waterbirds from disturbance by airboats in Florida. Waterbirds 26: 437-443.
Saiki, M. K., and F. H. Mejia. 2008. Utilization by fishes of the Alviso island ponds and adjacent waters in South San Francisco Bay following restoration to tidal influence. California Fish and Game. In press.
San Francisco Estuary Institute. 2005. The Pulse of the Estuary 2005. Oakland, CA.
Sawyer, John, and Todd Keeler-Wolf. 1995. A Manual of California Vegetation. California Native Plant Society Press, Sacramento, CA.
Shellenbarger, G.G., D.H. Schoellhamer, T.L. Morgan, J.Y. Takekawa, N.D. Athearn and K.D. Henderson. 2008. Dissolved oxygen in Guadalupe Slough and Pond A3W, South San Francisco Bay, California, August and September 2007. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1097.
Strong, C.M., L. Spear, T. Ryan, and R. Dakin. 2004. Forster’s tern, Caspian tern, and California gull colonies in San Francisco Bay: habitat use, numbers, and trends, 1982–2003. Waterbirds 27: 411-423.
Takekawa, J.Y., G.W. Page, J.M. Alexander, and D.R. Becker. 2000. Waterfowl and shorebirds of the San Francisco Bay estuary. In Goals Project 2000. Baylands Ecosystem Species and Community Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Key Plants, Fish, and Wildlife, P. Olofson, ed., pp. 309-316. Prepared by the San Francisco Bay Area Wetlands Ecosystem Goals Project. San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Oakland, CA.
Takekawa, J.Y., A.K. Miles, D.H. Schoellhamer, B. Jaffe, N.D. Athearn, S.E. Spring, G.G. Shellenbarger, M.K. Saiki, F. Mejia, and M.A. Lionberger. 2005. South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project Short-Term Data Needs, 2003-2005. Unpublished Final Report, U.S. Geological Survey, Vallejo, CA.
Walters, C., and C.S. Holling. 1990. Large-scale management experiments and learning by doing. Ecology 71:2060-2068.
Wiener, J.G., D.P. Krabbenhoft, G.H. Heinz, and A.M. Scheuhammer. 2003. Ecotoxicology of mercury. In Handbook of Ecotoxicology, 2nd edition. D.J. Hoffman, B.A. Rattner, G.A. Burton, and J. Cairns, eds., pp. 409-463. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands.
URS Corporation. 2008. Fisheries in Restored South Bay Wetlands and Adjacent Habitats. Prepared for NOAA Restoration Center. March.