The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project (Project) 2022 Annual Self-monitoring Report on Water Quality has been prepared to provide an overview of the Projects effects on water quality and habitat suitability of managed ponds due to management and restoration activities. This report includes: 1) Water quality results from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Site Specific Protocol for Monitoring of South Bay Ponds (in draft), 2) A summary of the Project’s Phase 2 progress during 2022 and 3) A summary of 2022 Refuge Operations and Maintenance activities, and 4) Update on research happening on managed ponds.

This annual report is designed to meet California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) permitting requirements for a water quality self-monitoring plan as described in R2-2018-0020, Findings 9, & 111-113, as well as South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Phase 2 Monitoring Plan and Water Quality Self-monitoring Program for Refuge Lands (C. Strong & Underwood 2018), which was prepared as part of the compliance with RWQCB’s permitting requirements. This Report will also be submitted to NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) per the Project’s Phase 2 Biological Opinion, WCR-2017-6803.

It is anticipated that both water quality and fisheries information will help the RWQCB and NMFS: 1) understand the status of the Project; 2) provide feedback and guidance to the Project Management Team on current and future applied studies and monitoring; and 3) assist in identifying emerging key uncertainties and management decisions required to keep the Project on track toward its restoration objectives as we implement Phase 2.

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Download Document PDF - 2022_annual_self-monitoring_report_don_edwards_sfbnwr_final.pdf (2.37 MB)