Through the South Bay Salt Ponds Initial Stewardship Plan (ISP), the California Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are operating and maintaining the ponds prior to the development of the long-term restoration plan. The initial plan:
- Ceases commercial salt operations
- Introduces tidal hydrology to ponds where feasible
- Maintains existing high quality open water and wetland wildlife habitat, including habitat for migratory and resident shorebirds and waterfowl
- Assures ponds are maintained in a restorable condition to facilitate future long-term restoration
- Minimizes initial stewardship management costs
- Meets all regulatory requirements, especially discharge requirements to maintain water quality standards in the South Bay.
ISP Updates
- ISP Update—October 2006 (PDF)
- ISP Update—January 2006 (PDF)
- ISP Update—September 2005 (PDF, September 16 2005)
- ISP Update—August 2005 #2 (PDF, August 16 2005)
- ISP Update—August 2005 #1 (PDF, August 2005 [edited Aug 11])
- ISP Update—March 2005 (PDF, March 2005)
ISP Documents
ISP monitoring results are found under Monitoring
- Baumberg Complex Pond System 2 and 2C (Eden Landing Ecological Reserve) Operations Plans (PDF, 0.5 MB, revised Dec 2005)
- Restoration and Mitigation Monitoring Plan for the Island Ponds Restoration Project
- 2005 Operations Plans for Alviso Low Salinity Salt Ponds (PDF, 0.5 MB, revised May 2005)
- Operations Plan review letter from Water Board to Dept. of Fish and Game (PDF, March 2005)
- Operations Plan review letter from Water Board to Fish and Wildlife Service (PDF, March 2005)
- Initial Stewardship Plan: A Status Report to Stakeholder and Other Interested Parties (PDF, March 2005)
- Initial Stewardship Scoping Meeting—Notice of Intent
- Initial Stewardship Plan (PDF, 5 MB)
- FINAL Environmental Impact Report & Environmental Impact Statement (March 2004)
- DRAFT Environmental Impact Report & Environmental Impact Statement (December 2003)