Marsh habitats and mudflats of south San Francisco bay were mapped once a year from 2009 to 2011 to track changes to habitats for the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project through the Habitat Evolution Mapping Project (HEMP) first phase (known as HEMP 1). Habitats of the south San Francisco baylands were derived using supervised classification (maximum likelihood) of .9 meter pansharpened Ikonos imagery taken on June 23rd, 2009, July 4th, 2010 and July 7th, 2011. Habitats include a total of 24 vegetated (e.g. Pickleweed) and non-vegetated (e.g. mud flats) classifications. Vegetated classes include 9 Salt Marsh, 4 Brackish Marsh and 3 Freshwater Marsh vegetation associations. For a detailed description of each of the vegetated and non-vegetated habitat classes mapped, methods, accuracy assessment and results - please see the HEMP_FinalReport.pdf. The habitat datasets are available as a direct download below. Remote sensing and fieldwork conducted by Brian Fulfrost and Associates. For any questions related to these datasets please contact Brian Fulfrost at [email protected].
- Updated habitat datasets for all three years (2009-2011) can be directly downloaded at the following link: