2010 to 2012 South Bay Bathymetry for Alviso Slough and Coyote Creek
In 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program completed three cruises to map the bathymetry of the main channel and shallow intertidal mudflats in the southernmost part of south San Francisco Bay. The three surveys were merged to generate comprehensive maps of Coyote Creek (from Calaveras Point east to the railroad bridge) and Alviso Slough (from the bay to the town of Alviso) to establish baseline bathymetry prior to the breaching of levees adjacent to Alviso and Guadalupe Sloughs as part of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project (http://www.southbayrestoration.org). Since 2010 we have conducted four additional surveys to monitor bathymetric change in this region as restoration progresses. You can also download 1 m resolution bathymetry grids for:
2005 South Bay Salt Pond Boat Bathymetry
This dataset was collected in 2003 and 2004 by the US Geological Survey. The data were created using a shallow water sounding system comprised of a single beam echosounder, differential GPS, and a laptop computer in a water-resistant case affixed to a Bass Hunter boat. Transects were run in parallel directions spaced approximately 100m apart. Water depths measured with this system were converted to NAVD88 by surveying the staff gauge at each pond and adjusting water depth to the water level of the pond during the survey.
- Download the dataset and metadata
- More details are available online in the Data Library